Terraced Steps

Multiple precast concrete step units can be embedded into sloped terraces to provide an economical and beautiful solution to a difficult situation. The grade is excavated to receive the steps and block footings are installed to support them. Multiple step units are then set in place using a crane.

Durability & Stability: By using multiple precast units to make up a run, normally no damage will occur when the ground moves during the winter since each unit is free to move individually. Concrete terrace steps that are monolithically poured-in-place tend to crack when ground movement occurs. On the other extreme, terrace steps made up of bricks or stone treads set individually allow so much movement that they become misaligned and unstable.

Choices: All our standard finishes are available (stucco, gray stone, buff stone, mixed brick, and red brick).

Price: Precast terrace steps by Steps Plus are economical. By utilizing our standard products and keeping on-site work to a minimum, our prices are often substantially lower than steps made at the site.

Terrace steps with a stucco finish.